One-time use of postpartum hemostatic balloon care
Nursing measures for postpartum hemorrhageApp palace agent intramuscular injection of oxytocin or ergonovine, static point tamping uterine contractions agent application of uterine cavity, article sterile gauze tamponade balloon tamponade pelvic vascular ligation of hemostatic serious maternal postpartum hemorrhage massage is a simple and effective postpartum uterus bleeding choose less contraindications to traumatic few side effects and recovery process is fast to maintain blood volume to avoid hysterectomy author bleeding time cause blood loss (ml) success rate of vaginal contractions agent production success rate of cesarean delivery success rate of total Srisailesh 2009 contractions fatigue issues not mentioned in the placenta,Invalid 100% (8/8) 57% (4/7) 80% (12/15) Wendy L 2009 contractions 2500 ~ 3000, invalid 100% (5/5) 100% (5/5) YN. Bakri 2001 contractions placental problems were not mentioned, invalid 78% (7/9) 78% (7/9) Condous GS 2003 contractions >1000,Ineffective 87.5% (14/16) Dabelea V 2007 contractile placental problems not mentioned, ineffective 90% (18/20) refractory postpartum haemorrhage ineffective with medication, success rate close to 90% Georgiou c. Balloon
Tamponade in the management of postpartum haemorrhage: a review. The BJOG. 2009;116:748-757. The natural labor maternity bleeding after using hemostatic hemostatic balloon is likely to avoid laparotomy needs even if you don't succeed, because of the real-time monitoring of blood loss and easy operation will not cause significant delay to the next step of treatment can slow the relating to the operating room or preoperative preparation of blood loss, for with blood, rescue, or inform the superior doctor can buy time to save the uterus to produce a uterine cavity introverted outside the uterine cavity by hydrostatic pressure, the pressure is greater than uterine arterial pressure.The balloon directly ACTS on the lower end of uterus, namely the entrance of uterine artery, and can effectively reduce the blood flow into the uterus.Stimulate the uterus to produce endogenous prostaglandin secretion, induced contractions.Vaginal delivery: transvaginal placed the placenta residue, the birth canal laceration or vascular bleeding or directly according to the results of the ultrasonic probe to assess uterine cavity volume will balloon in the womb, guarantee within the balloon completely through the cervical canal and cervical mouth balloon with water, completes the logo in order to maintain the stability of the balloon, you can choose after vaginal fornix with sterile gauze cesarean delivery:Through the abdominal wall and uterus incision placed the placenta residue, the birth canal laceration or vascular bleeding or directly according to the results of the ultrasonic probe to assess uterine volume in the pipe first, and then pull the pipe by uterine balloon assistant of uterine cavity closed uterine and vaginal safeguard the balloon into the incision (don't punctured balloon) balloon with water, completes the logo properly fixed balloon and fixed a variety of drainage pipe line 24 h closely monitoring vital signs, liquid in quantity, blood loss, fundus position and complaints of the maternal, timely understanding of hemoglobin, prevent hemorrhagic shock to observe and record height of fundus,To check whether uterine contraction is good use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, to keep perineum clean, to prevent infection continue intravenous administration of oxytocin 12 to 24 hours pressing the uterus is not strongly recommended to gradually release balloon fluid, can reduce the risk of further bleeding1. If balloon hemostasis is used for massive postpartum vaginal bleeding, the need for hemostasis during open surgery may be avoided.2. Even if hemostasis is not successful, there will be no significant delay in the next treatment steps due to the convenience of use.At the same time, the balloon can reduce the patient in the operating room or waiting for surgery before the preparation of these times of blood loss, for blood matching, rescue, or notify the superior doctor for time...3. Therefore, the author believes that balloon hemostasis should be used at an early stage.But clinically, the doctor has the final say...The use of cesarean section is roughly the same as that of vaginal delivery. The big difference is that the method of balloon placement is different. * * * *1. If balloon hemostasis is used for massive postpartum vaginal bleeding, the need for hemostasis during open surgery may be avoided.2. Even if hemostasis is not successful, there will be no significant delay in the next treatment steps due to the convenience of use.At the same time, the balloon can reduce the patient in the operating room or waiting for surgery before the preparation of these times of blood loss, for blood matching, rescue, or notify the superior doctor for time...3. Therefore, the author believes that balloon hemostasis should be used at an early stage.But clinically, the doctor has the final say...* the use of vaginal delivery and vaginal delivery are roughly the same, the greater difference is that the method of balloon placement is not the same * *