
Henan Jianhe Industry Co.,Ltd.was founded in March 2016,mainly engaged in medical polymer materials ,Sterilizing sensitive material,Nursing products,Air decontamination and disinfection,visualization .Scientific research,and sales of new medical devices .Since the establishment of our company,our product quality management implement the requirements of ISO9001-2015,ISO13485-2016 strictly.Our company following the principal of "Quality first,Clients Paramountly",we would like to serve you with Perfect Product and Service.

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Sterile urinary guide wire enterprises urgently need to seize the opportunity to build confidence


Sterile urinary guide wire enterprises urgently need to seize the opportunity to build confidence

From July 25 to 27, the 22nd annual conference of China medical equipment association was held in Qingdao.Health and family planning commission, food and drug regulatory administration of the relevant personages indicate that China's economic opening, the deepening of medical reform, the increase of financial investment in the category of health and family planning and the substantial increase in the effect of gas, and other trends indicate that China's medical equipment market has great potential.According to leak, the domestic urinary tract guide wire in the government will get more policy tilt.

From the domestic assembly to China's development

According to statistics, to 2012, our country has medical apparatus and instruments to produce an enterprise 15348, its I key supervises the tall dangerous urological tract to lead industrial enterprise 829, the industrial enterprise of provincial key supervises 1175.The top six provinces (cities, districts) with the number of guide wire manufacturers are jiangsu, guangdong, Beijing, zhejiang, Shanghai and shandong.

The department of medical device supervision of the food and drug administration said that in recent five years, China's medical device operations have changed a lot.Operation of the overall supply of the majestic market has been constantly improved, some imaging equipment has been opened from China to China's production and even China's development and production, domestic stent products accounted for about 80% of the domestic market, domestic ultrasound machine accounted for about 60%.


Consumption decisions need to be made

Industry scholars pointed out together, now, China's urinary tract guide wire enterprises with an output value of millions of yuan to tens of millions of yuan of the main, across the 1 billion yuan of the lack of 20 enterprises, large output value of the enterprises also lack 6 billion yuan.Compared with the top 40 urinary tract guide wire enterprises, most medical device enterprises in China are small in scale and weak in competitiveness.

The relevant person in charge of the planning information department of the health and family planning commission pointed out that, in the one-sided aspect, the patients and medical organizations are still determined to the domestic urinary tract guidewire lack, use compliance is not high;In the objective aspect, the function and quality of domestic urinary tract guide wire can not be fully satisfied with the clinical requirements, and the after-sale efficacy is relatively poor.

"Domestic medical equipment enterprises should fully recognize the orientation and role of the medical equipment industry in the national economic and social development, seize the historical opportunity of deepening medical reform, quickly open.The person in charge indicated, "because medical reform wants to promote the suitable equipment technology, the domestic urinary tract guide wire enterprise should take this as the guidance, the active development produces the medical equipment that is suitable for the bottom level medical health organization, must grasp the quality, grasp the policy, grasp the purchase, grasp the propaganda.Together, it is important for the government, the health and family planning system, the operations associations and the production companies to add exchanges and take a win-win journey."

Business opportunities unprecedented

According to the planning information department of the national health and family planning commission, China will invest 200 billion yuan during the 12th five-year plan period to support the establishment of a health and family planning efficiency system, with a total investment of 110 billion yuan.After the establishment of the business premises, the health and family planning efficiency organization needs to be equipped with a lot of medical equipment, and the purchase of the government will first consider the domestic equipment, which means an unprecedented opportunity for the urinary tract guide wire industry in China.

During the "twelfth five-year", the health to family planning efficiency system 10 key then build project includes: the village first aid system created and funded the key support of the 2300 county first aid organizations created and health supervision at the county level to create, create the underlying medical treatment information system, gp standardized clinical training base to create performance, the underlying health care system creates, food safety risk monitoring to create, children's health care system can create, municipal hospital creates, severe disease prevention and control equipment to create, create efficiency of population and family planning system.

According to the analysis, first aid system equipped with scheduling command system, the necessary emergency vehicles and vehicle emergency equipment, base meet drug buy over use of the information system, the underlying health organization process information system, food safety inspection testing equipment, pediatric heal, pregnancy eugenics health inspection equipment, family planning activities there are demand large medical equipment performance car.During the period, 2.373 billion yuan will be allocated to the provision of emergency vehicles for the village emergency system.A total of 7.25 billion yuan was invested in the project of processing information system of low-level medical and health organizations;With a total investment of 4.452 billion yuan, the food safety inspection and testing equipment project will be equipped with about 22,000 sets of related equipment.The number of service vehicles for family planning activities is about 2000.


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